
The Salcido Group of Companies and the Salcido family actively support many Christian, community, and philanthropic endeavors. In 2024 we invested over $500,000 into organizations, including the following:

Purpose Boxing Club This nonprofit gym serves to provide a healthy space for youths, and empowering opportunities to develop discipline, grow in community, and carry empowering confidence.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes FCA seeks to make disciples through engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to know and grow in Christ and lead others to do the same.
The Brave Warrior Project The Brave Warrior Project eliminates barriers, promotes inclusiveness and provides resources for individuals and their families with special needs and chronic illness in North Central Washington.
Alatheia Therapeutic Riding Center Alatheia Therapeutic Riding Center is a non-profit therapeutic riding center that provides equine assisted services to children & adults with physical and developmental disabilities, and veterans living with PTSD and civilian life adjustment challenges. Born from the combined love of horses and children, Alatheia demonstrates the power of equine-based therapy.
Sage-N-Sun Sage N Sun is Ephrata's popular community festival in early June, and celebrates the community and heritage of the town with a parade, marching bands, floats, food, and craft vendors.
Restore Restore is committed to supporting and encouraging Foster, Adoptive, and Relative Caregiver families in addition to supporting and encouraging similar agencies in the Greater Wenatchee Valley and beyond.
Quincy & Ephrata Booster Clubs We joyfully sponsor the Quincy & Ephrata booster clubs' golf tournament
WHS Girls Athletics We are proud to support the Wenatchee High School Basketball and Volleyball programs as they develop athleticism, health and character in the youth of our community.
UNIT+E UNIT+E's mission is to fight the injustices that exist in the world by standing in the gap where few are willing to go—by fighting human trafficking at its source, providing emergency relief via food + medical supplies for those in need, and by bringing joy, hope, + love to those in broken places.
Wenatchee Valley Stuff-a-Sackpack The goal of the Wenatchee Valley Stuff-a-Sackpack Service Project is to reach out to local homeless, high-risk & in-need teens during the holidays to let them know they matter and have not been forgotten by their community.
Mission Ridge Kids Triathlon The annual MRST Kids Triathlon at Walla Walla Point Park, provides kids ages 6 to 14 an opportunity to compete at three levels of this swim, bike, and run events.
Cashmere High School Senior Sober Celebration
Big Bend Community College Foundation The Big Bend Community College Foundation is the fundraising arm of BBCC — the only institution of higher education in a 4,600-square-mile service district … the foundation raises funds for scholarships, facilities, equipment, and staff development.
Wenatchee High School Homework Center The WHS homework center enables students to work on homework, alone or in a group, with the support of tutors, technology, and access to books.
CCA Athletics Cascade Christian Academy Athletics provides a rigorous athletics program within a responsible, caring, and motivating environment. Extending the learning experience beyond the classroom, they support the educational objectives, academic progress, and general welfare of student-athletes while preparing them to perform at the highest levels of competition.
International Literacy and Development ILAD promotes human flourishing through educational, economic and social development in communities that are under-resourced, by partnering with communities to facilitate local solutions to local problems through agricultural, educational, and business development, as well as human language technology.
RiverCom 911 RiverCom is a dedicated multi-jurisdictional Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) in Wenatchee, providing public safety communications in Chelan and Douglas counties. Answering and processing emergency 911 calls and providing dispatch services for 23 emergency agencies within the area, their telecommunicators provide the first line of contact with the public when calling for emergency and non-emergency public safety services.
The Grant County Fair The Grant County Fair showcases livestock, pets, horsemanship skills, artists, 4-H and more.
Velocity Swimming "Promoting the development of life skills through the sport of swimming." Velocity is a year-round competitive swim team offering high-quality professional coaching and technique instruction in the Wenatchee Valley for all ages and abilities
Wenatchee Youth Baseball Wenatchee Youth Baseball is a non-profit organization established for the youth of the Wenatchee Valley to participate in a recreational baseball program.
Music Theatre of Wenatchee Music Theatre of Wenatchee is a volunteer non-profit dedicated to: providing quality, live theatrical entertainment for the community from concept to performance; providing opportunities for individuals to develop and use their own artistic skills and talents in a supportive, congenial and creative atmosphere; providing leadership in artistic development; and enriching the community.
Wenatchee Valley Lacrosse Club The Wenatchee Valley Lacrosse Club is dedicated to organizing, developing, and promoting the sport of lacrosse within the North Central Washington community. The club seeks to honor the game by instilling values of scholastic achievement, sportsmanship and teamwork while fielding competitive lacrosse teams throughout the program.
Wenatchee Valley Follies Guild The Follies Show is the biggest, longest running show on a local stage in Wenatchee's history. Local talent sings, dances, and performs skits to entertain and raise funds for the Wenatchee Valley Follies Guild & Children's Foundation.
Wenatchee Rescue Mission WRM provides housing, meals, clothing and more in order to make a long-lasting difference for all people experiencing homelessness in Wenatchee.
Friends of Ukraine Refugees A group working to help Ukrainian refugees in North Central Washington who have fled from the war-torn country.
Life Choices of Wenatchee Valley Life Choices is a Christian life-affirming ministry providing medical pregnancy testing, educational services, care, and support for women experiencing unplanned pregnancies including addressing a woman’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
Eden Reforestation Projects Eden reduces extreme poverty and restores healthy forests by employing local people to plant millions of trees every year.
Wenatchee Valley 4th of July Event Single day event to celebrate Independence Day at Walla Walla Point Park featuring food, fun, and fireworks.
YMCA The Mission of the Wenatchee Valley YMCA is to strengthen youth, families, and communities by promoting Christian principles and putting them into practice through leadership and programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all.
Pybus Market Charitable Foundation Pybus Annex Campaign Pybus Market Charitable Foundation is the conscience of Pybus Market. It enhances the quality of life in north central Washington, now and for generations to come, by engaging in charitable activities at Pybus Market that build community, support other non-profits and are educational in nature.
WVC Foundation The Wenatchee Valley College Foundation exists to raise financial support for the students, programs and faculty/staff of Wenatchee Valley College and shall assist the college in achieving its goals through cultivating friends and garnering financial support.
ITECMinistries (International Technical Electric & Construction) I-TEC is a non-denominational ministry utilizing volunteers to meet the technical needs of missionaries and not-for-profit organizations worldwide and to actively support local and international disaster relief.
Women’s Resource Center of NCW The Women's Resource Center provides individuals and families experiencing poverty and homelessness with the housing and supportive services they need to be part of a healthy, diverse community.
Friends of the Wenatchee Public Library Capital Campaign The Friends of the Wenatchee Public Library are volunteers committed to supporting our library. This registered nonprofit organization is eading the charge and managing the funds for the Wenatchee Public Library Capital Campaign.
Silver Ring Thing Silver Ring Thing is a radical response to culture’s view of love and relationships. Our events inspire teens to defy the meet-up, hook-up, break-up culture of today and discover true life found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity was founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a simple, durable place to live in dignity and safety, and that decent shelter in decent communities should be a matter of conscience and action for all.
Food for the Hungry We provide life-changing resources such as clean water, medical aid, food, equal educational opportunities to girls and boys, vocational training and empowerment in the midst of unimaginable hardships.
International Child Care Ministries International Child Care Ministries is a child sponsorship initiative serving 20,000 children in over 30 countries. We work with Free Methodists for high levels of care and accountability. Through education, meals, clothing and basic medical care, children in need have an opportunity for a better life.
International Justice Mission International Justice Mission is a global organization with a plan to eliminate the slave trade everywhere.
Youth Dynamics Ministries Our Mission is to invite and challenge youth to a lifelong journey in relationship with Christ and His church. As we fulfill our mission, our goal is to see Northwest youth transformed by the power of Christ, integrated into the local church, and impacting their world for Him.
Sister Connection Ministries Sister Connection restores hope for the widows of Burundi, and provides them opportunities to become self-sufficient. Our partners have empowered thousands of women to provide for their families and invest in their communities.
World Team Ministries We are a global mission agency dedicated to church planting among unreached people groups. Our goal is to make disciples and equip the local church to grow and multiply. We do this by sharing the hope of Christ in word and deed.
Wenatchee Lighthouse Ministries Lighthouse Christian Ministries (LCM) is a Christ centered ministry dedicated to reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through spiritual means of prayer, Bible study, and church services. LCM will also help the poor and needy through physical means that includes, but is not limited to: operating a soup kitchen, food distribution, emergency and transitional shelter, a preschool program, mentoring, education, and financial services.
Awaken Wenatchee Church A local church in Wenatchee whose mission statement is: God would rather have you messed up than not at all.
Sage Hills Church Sage Hills Church exists to risk our comfort to reach our community to release freedom in Christ.
NCW Young Life Our mission is introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith.
The River Academy Our purpose is to partner with parents in educating their children to become the next generation of Christian leaders equipped to shape culture through faithful, wise and joyful Christian living.
Stage Kids Washington Stage Kids WA (SKWA) Musical Theater Classes include drama, music and choreography. Learn from experienced teachers and performers while having fun!
Wenatchee Football Club We support a football culture that not only develops football players but develops our kids into great adults.
CRM / Novo Novo is a band of creative missionaries sent to multiply movements of the gospel and mobilize the church for mission around the world.
The Word Retreat Ministries The WORD Retreat is a unique opportunity that allows God to make a personal impact on your life. No preaching or lecturing. Just men and women serving, supporting and encouraging each other. The WORD retreat will change your life.
2018 GWATA Flywheel Conference This conference is an opportunity in North Central Washington for angel investors, VC firms, entrepreneurs and startups to come together to connect, learn, and develop resources for building companies around the Pacific Northwest.
Sportsman Show The Wenatchee Valley Sportsmen Show will offer consumers a prime opportunity to see the latest in outdoor gear, the newest in fishing boats, motors and accessories, plus guides and lodges from all over the Northwest, and more! You’ll love the special attractions and learn from the informative seminars presented by outdoor professionals.
Tour of Duty Serving active-duty military, veterans, families of those, and unaccompanied members with R&R, getting outdoors, service & burial support.
Nick's Bricks Nick’s Bricks is an inclusive large event where children young and old gather to play and have fun with Lego “bricks”.