Columbia Data Center – Phase 1 continues to progress well, with much of the internal buildout nearing completion. Our IT technicians currently have .3 MW of ASIC servers on line, with additional servers being deployed daily. Substantial completion is scheduled for January 18, 2016.
Columbia Data Center Phase I
Columbia Data Center – Phase 1, is well under way. Primary power has been delivered to the site, and all major electrical components are on order. Mechanical, Electrical, and Structural Engineering is progressing rapidly and the construction schedule will have this 1.5MW data space operational in November of this year.
Cashmere Data Center Phase 2 Update
Here's an update on this full Electrical & Mechanical Expansion project. We're taking what was a shell of a building and ramping it up to 2MW usable data space power. With the addition of redundant air delivery system, full ducting to cold aisles, enclosure of hot aisles, powered exhausting of all hot aisle spaces, and addition of large commercial chiller system we can ensure 99.99% uptime during all weather conditions.