White House, US Government and Fintech Sector Come Together

The White House invited major stakeholders of the financial technology sector ("fintech") to meet with branches of the US Government to discuss ways to promote development and innovation in the rapidly-changing fintech sector. The Treasury Department, Small Business Administration, Council of Economic Advisors, Urban Affairs, Justice and Opportunity, US Agency for International Development and more. This exciting development shows the government's interest in working together with private entities to fuel economic and financial development. 

Read more on Bitcoin News Service • Adrienne Harris reviews the meeting on The White House's blog

PRESS RELEASE: Regional Business Owner Formally Requests Delay in High-Density Load Rate Decision

For immediate release: February 9, 2016
For more information, please contact: Malachi Salcido (509) 884-6868

Wenatchee, WA.- Regional business owner Malachi Salcido, owner of The Salcido Connection, has submitted a formal request to Chelan County PUD Commissioners asking for a delay in the pending high-density load rate decision. The request has been made to allow time for an independent economic analysis to examine the potential and impacts of the decision from all sides.

The economic impact analysis is designed to examine emerging technology as a potential industry for North Central Washington. The Salcido Connection and other industry leaders intend to work with a neutral third-party partner to examine and analyze the potential for this industry, projected job creation, economic impact, and ability to attract companion and supporting firms and industries to the region, including Chelan County. The request urges Commissioners to consider the results as part of the overall HDL Rate Class discussion and decision.

“Because this is an emerging opportunity, there are a number of unknown factors, including potential job and industry growth, impacts to the economy, and impacts to the current infrastructure. These areas have not yet been fully examined, and we plan to use the results of this study to engage in an informed conversation about projected opportunities, power rates, and need,” explained Salcido.

A community forum was hosted by the Chelan County PUD on Wednesday, February 3. At the forum, emerging technology specialists, including Salcido, explained the current emerging technologies, actual job creation, and answered questions from the audience. The full forum can be watched here.

Malachi Salcido is the founder and owner of The Salcido Connection, a multi-disciplined contractor headquartered in Wenatchee since its inception 14 years ago. What started literally as a one-man show providing heating and air conditioning services, has grown into  a multi-million dollar operation. The Salcido Connection is now the largest full-service contracting firm in the region, providing a full range of competencies and services including mechanical, electrical, building controls, data, telecommunications, security, fiber, food safety, engineering, and general contracting.

As a guiding business principle, The Salcido Connection continues to grow the range of expertise and abilities to advance its business and create additional job opportunities for our County. The Salcido Connection is developing Tier 0 data space; specifically in the blockchain technology arena.

 -additional photos available-

References: Chelan County PUD Forum on High-Density Load Rates

Bitcoin and block chain technology: what is it, why does it matter?


Block chain technology, as succinctly and thoughtfully explained by the UK Government Office of Science.


The fast-approaching future of technology, industry & commerce as explained by author & political advisor Jeremy Rifkin.


CCN.LA: Cheap energy draws bitcoin miners to the Northwest, bringing discriminatory rate hike controversy • Full Article

UNICEF eyes blockchain as possible solution to child poverty issues • Full Article

Rufus Woods interviews Malachi Salcido and discusses prospective impacts of tech sector support. • Full Article

Santander Bank: Blockchain Talk Could Turn Into Action This Year • Full Article

Blockchain company Bitnation helps Syrian refugees, delivering on the United Nations vision • Full Article

Goldman Sachs director: blockchain provides ‘single truth' for banks • Full Article

Why Microsoft's blockchain service has 20 companies waiting to be accepted • Full Article

UK Government Office for Science report recommends government explore blockchain and distributed ledger technology. • Full Article

ECB board member: “blockchain could disrupt payments” • Full Article

Top 12 largest bankruptcies in US history • Full Article


IBM talks open ledger project, bright future for blockchain • Full Article




McKinsey & Company Report: Blockchains in capital markets 2015 • View PDF


UK Government Office for Science Report – Distributed Ledger Technology: beyond block chain • View PDF


Salcido Connection / Chelan County PUD HDL Rate Design Report • View PDF


Wenatchee MSA (Chelan/Douglas Counties) Labor Area Summary, November 2015 • by Donald W. Meseck, Regional Labor Economist, Employment Security Department • View PDF


Wenatchee MSA Economy: 2015 in Review • For Economic Leadership Roundtable, Port of Douglas County • by Donald W. Meseck, Regional Labor Economist • View PDF • PPTX


Douglas County Economic Leadership Roundtable presentation, January 21, 2016 • View PDF



Presentation Notes: Feb 3 Community Forum for High-Density Load Rates • View PDF


Presentation Notes: Jan 12 High-Density Load Rate Public Information Meeting • View PDF


Report: Economic Impact of Data Centers • View PDF

Join Us to Discuss Impacts of Proposed HDL Rate Hikes

In an effort to bring more projects like the ones below to our Valley, we will be participating in a community forum to discuss economic development opportunities related to emerging technologies. The event is sponsored by the Chelan County PUD and is scheduled for February 3 from 5:30-7:30 at the Confluence Technology Center in Wenatchee. 

The forum will explore economic development opportunities, including job and industry growth potential, of emerging technology industries such as data server farms, blockchain technology, and bitcoin, within the region that require high-density ("HDL") power loads. The conversation is an opportunity to discuss and explore all sides of the pending high-density load rate decision being considered by the Chelan County PUD Commissioners. Notes from a previous meeting are posted for the public in this PDF from the PUD.

Among the impacts in question are the amount and income levels of jobs created, tax and energy ramifications for the region, the fairness of the targeted rate increases, and impacts to existing businesses and their growth plans. In neighboring areas, similar industries have generated significant tax improvements—Quincy is funding new schools with tax revenues generated from data centers.

Curious about the background of this topic? Listen to / read this short interview with Malachi and NPR's Tom Banse.

The forum is free and open to the public, and we look forward to seeing you there!


Read the full press release