Data Center Featured on Koho Radio

Tech companies are flocking to Chelan and Douglas Counties, and local tech-savvy start-ups as well, to take advantage of cheap electricity rates through the Public Utility Districts. A large, multi-phase data center should get under construction later this year in Douglas County, mainly thanks to grant funding. Dan Langager filed this report on how North Central Washington could soon be on the global map for its tech-friendly infrastructure.
— Koho Radio

Community Economic Revitalization Board invests $2.3 million to grow local economies

Funds will support economic development in Clark, Cowlitz, Douglas and Whitman counties

OLYMPIA, WA – The Washington State Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB) today approved $2,353,500 for public infrastructure development and economic feasibilities studies targeting business growth and job creation in the Port of Camas-Washougal, Port of Ridgefield, city of Woodland, Port of Douglas County, and city of Colfax.

  • Clark County - $1,700,000 loan and a $300,000 grant to the Port of Camas-Washougal for 50,000-square foot Industrial Building #18 construction project. This prospective development project is to construct a new 50,000 square foot metal pre-fab building, slab on grade, in Steigerwald Commerce Center. The estimated private investment is $1,000,000, with an estimated 70 permanent jobs to be created, as a result of this project. CERB funds were matched by $3,750,000 in local resources.
  • Clark County - $50,000 grant to the Port of Ridgefield for Dark Fiber Optics – Needs Assessment/Feasibility Study. This is a feasibility study to assess the need, cost and rate of return related to constructing a fiber optic broadband "loop" around the Ridgefield Port District. CERB funds were matched by $50,000 in local resources.
  • Cowlitz County - $22,500 grant to the city of Woodland for Downtown Façade Improvement Plan. This feasibility study will conduct a market analysis, develop a property inventory, review and revise existing city codes, identify needed resources and create a façade improvement program. CERB funds were matched by $7,500 in local resources.
  • Douglas County – $107,500 loan and a $300,000 grant to the Port of Douglas County for the Lot 17 Development and Infrastructure Construction project, for Salcido Enterprises. LLC. This committed private partner project consists of installing power conduits and vaults, landscaping, and storm water facilities; water line and sanity sewer line extensions; roadway improvements. Salcido Enterprises, LLC will invest $10,000,000 in a 32,400 square foot building and create or retain 47 permanent jobs as a result of this project. CERB funds were matched by $85,000 in local resources.
  • Whitman County - $36,000 grant to the city of Colfax for the Lower A Street Industrial Park Wastewater Siphon Engineering Plan. This is a feasibility study to develop engineering plans for six wastewater siphons, location analysis, cost-benefit analysis and site appropriateness for more active warehousing use. CERB funds were matched by $12,000 in local resources.

"CERB’s role is to be responsive to local needs by making timely and smart investment decisions. The board is pleased to collaborate with each of these communities to plan for future private sector jobs for Washington families," said CERB Chair David Rhoden

"CERB’s mission of creating jobs and sustainable rural economies is vital to our work in strengthening communities throughout the state. Working together, we provide targeted support for local governments and tribes to help them envision and achieve a resilient economic future," said Brian Bonlender, Director of the Washington State Department of Commerce.

The release of CERB funds to these projects is contingent upon each applicant completing specific pre-contract requirements, such as finalizing other funding sources and obtaining necessary permits.

Since 1982, CERB has committed nearly $206 million to local jurisdictions across the state, an investment generating more than 34,000 jobs, and private capital investments of a $5.7 billion ($27 to $1) return on CERB investment. CERB recently released the 2016 Biennial Local Infrastructure Financing Tool (LIFT) Legislative Report.

As Washington’s strategic economic development resource, CERB is focused on creating private sector jobs in partnership with local governments by financing infrastructure improvements. These improvements encourage new business development and expansion. In addition to funding construction projects, CERB provides limited funding for studies that evaluate high-priority economic development projects. Learn more about CERB at


About Commerce
Commerce is the lead state agency charged with enhancing and promoting sustainable community and economic vitality in Washington. For more information, visit For information on locating or expanding a business in Washington, visit

Penny Thomas, Commerce Press Office, (206) 256-6106
Janea Eddy CERB Program Manager, (360) 725-3151

Local Contacts:
Port of Camas-Washougal: Kim Noah, Finance Director, 360-335-3684
Port of Ridgefield: Nelson Holmberg, Vice President, Innovation, 360-887-3873
City of Woodland: Amanda Smeller, Community Development Planner, 360-225-1048
Port of Douglas County: Ron Cridlebaugh, Economic Development Manager, 509-884-4700
City of Colfax: Mike Rizzitiello, City Administrator, 509-397-3861

Wenatchee Business Journal / Salcido Interview

The Wenatchee Business Journal connected this week with owner Malachi Salcido to talk business. In the following article, Gary Bégin interviews Malachi Salcido on his company's history and growth plans, philosophy and core values, ownership and direction of the company. 

Forty-two-year-old Malachi Salcido has been working and trying to improve himself since he was in high school here in Wenatchee. One day while still attending high school and working part time as a maintenance worker at the school, the department supervisor and he were on the roof together. The supervisor told him to look around at the roof tops of Wenatchee and tell him what he saw. Salcido realized then that every roof had heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration units on it. His future was clear, at least for the moment.
— A conversation with Salcido Connection CEO Malachi Salcido • Wenatchee Business Journal

Read the full article to find out:

  • How the company got to where it is today
  • What Malachi Salcido would do if he were president of the USA
  • Why bitcoin, block chain and data mining technologies matter (and what they are)



Land and Power Secured for 7.5MW Pangborn Data Project

Salcido Enterprises, LLC has secured a long-term land lease, along with a long-term power contract with Douglas County Public Utility District, totaling 7.5MW. This three-facility build-out begins immediately, and will provide secure Bitcoin and Ethereum cryptocurrency mining, along with data hosting services to both high-density conventional and crypto customers. The contracts leverage the large amounts of affordable hydroelectric power available in North Central Washington to further develop an emerging industry that provides off-site, secure cryptocurrency mining and data hosting to national and international corporations, as well as non-profit organizations.

Live Bitcoin News has more on the story here.

Bitcoin/Blockchain/Data Industry's ears pick up on Chelan County PUD's Decision to Increase High-Density Load Rates

In light of the recent decision by Chelan County PUD to increase rates for customers running high amounts of power (over 250kwh / sq. ft. / yr) through their facilities, CoinDesk and pick up the story. 

CoinDesk had also reported earlier this year on the decision in front of the organization, as well as some of the impacts existing bitcoin mining operations in the area.

The Merkle Covers Salcido's Expansion to 115 Petahash Capacity

Discussing the new deal with the Port of Douglas County and the attention Washington State is getting for its cost-effective resources for data mining, provides this quote:

North Central Washington provides the most affordable power in the United States, and some of the lowest cost power in the developed world. At Salcido Group, we are leveraging this inherent asset to further develop an emerging industry. Because of our diversification strategy, we are able to offer customers redundant, low-cost consistent power with the advantage of both property development and facilities management. This allows a variety of industries- from medical organizations, to educational institutions, to corporations, and bitcoin and blockchain technology pioneers- to build and expand their businesses in an incremental, secure, redundant, and affordable way,” explained Salcido Enterprises Managing Member Malachi Salcido. “The heart of our long-term business strategy is this: we provide land, power, and connectivity for incremental data space solutions at a fraction of the capital cost of conventional data space options currently on the market. Our business slogan summarizes our position best; we are ‘Data Outside the Box’!
— Malachi Salcido, Salcido Group

Read the full article on

News BTC Announces Salcido's Newest Project

Salcido's newest three-facility buildout is announced in NewsBTC / Bitcoin News Service. With existing facilities running at 100% capacity, the new facility is inviting customers with immediate data needs to engage this 7.5MW facility for crypto and conventional data arrangements. The new facility will provide high-density data space and real estate with redundant power at a much lower cost than conventional facilities. 

Read the full article here.

Brexit and Ether Cryptocurrency Effects Converge in Washington at Pangborn Data

Salcido Enterprises' largest project to date, the 7.5MW-facility Pangborn Data, gets covered in this article from Data Center Dynamics. With the instability the British Pound is experiencing due to post-Brexit turmoil, bitcoin and crypto-currency are gaining relative stability. Centers such as Pangborn Data are uniquely positioned to provide reliable, incremental data space at a fraction of the cost often associated with traditional data.

Read the full article here.